Table of Contents How should your new website look and work? What’s the cost of building a website? What should you invest into hosting and security? How much is site visibility worth? New Website, New You, New Questions If you’re an avid podcast listener, you may have heard ads for website builders that are so easy a child could use them! There’s nothing wrong with taking a DIY approach to your website development, especially considering… Read more »
5 Major Steps to Avoid Phishing Scams
Avoid phishing scams by focusing on digital security You can avoid phishing scams when you pay attention to who is sending you emails or calling your phone. Just know that one slip-up can spell doom for your business. If your website is hacked, you may be down for good. Unless you have tremendous, personal support from a provider, chances are your crisis won’t be readily addressed. But the team at MCG is here to provide… Read more »
What it means when your website says “connection is not secure.”
Table of Contents How is your site affected? How does HTTPS work? What MCG can do for you What does it mean when your website says, “Connection is not secure?” It simply means that you are using an insecure HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) rather than the protected Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) to transmit data between your website and its server. Connection is not secure errors: why does it suddenly matter? Lately, all major… Read more »
Stop Hackers: 3 Effective Strategies from MCG
[efsthumbnail sdsd src=””] Stopping Website Hackers: A Short Guide Criminal activity on the internet such as spamming and website hacking is, unfortunately, a fact of life. The reality is, if you have a website, it WILL be attacked by hackers or automated hacking software at some point. There are many reasons for this. In most cases, criminals like spammers and identity thieves are trying to add malicious code or files to your website so they… Read more »
5 Great Websites from Aberdeen, SD
Great Websites from Aberdeen, SD You Won’t Want to Miss How are we to know about great websites from Aberdeen? You’ll never see an ad on TV for graphic design services. The same goes for video production services. So why are we being bombarded with online and TV ads for website design services? This might cause you to think that website production is easy. So easy in fact that any monkey in the world can… Read more »
We Fix Website Problems When Your Web Designer is MIA
Quick…if you need a new website, just call us now: 605-226-3481. We fix website problems so you can get back to doing business. That is the kind of reliability you can expect when you work with us. McQuillen Creative Group has been designing websites in Aberdeen, SD since 2001. Many, many other web providing companies have come and gone in that time. The problem is, you may be on the other end of a company… Read more »
Great Websites From Aberdeen, SD
You’ll never see an ad on TV for graphic design services. Same goes for video production services. So why are we being bombarded with online and TV ads for website design services? This might cause you to think that website production is easy. So easy in fact that any monkey in the world can whip them out. These companies have developed automated templates that call center-like employees fill in with information about a business. There… Read more »