3 Critical Things to Know About Product Packaging

Table of Contents

  1. The Importance of Identity Design
  2. Components of Designing Product Packaging
  3. Creating a Hierarchy of Information



What Product Packaging Means for You

If you’re selling something, your product packaging should get people excited to try or buy your stuff. If it’s bland, then you might need some help. There is tons of work that goes into designing packages that people can’t help but pick up.

So we will cover three areas that are really important to the process of creating a physical container for your product. Businesses will pour major budgets into getting their packaging just right.

Some companies, particularly in the tech industry, really focus on an experience the customer will have when opening a box. This means that multiple components will be packaged together with a unique container design. Sometimes, those containers will even contain small letters of appreciation from the company that made the product.

Other companies try to make customers feel something special by presenting the company’s mission and vision on the packaging. You see this a lot with food companies who are trying to appeal to wellness-centered or socially conscious shoppers.

You should always think about how you can stand out to your customer on store shelves or online marketplaces.

Product Packaging That Fits Your Identity

One of the biggest ways you can lose a potential sale is if the look of your product doesn’t stand out or it might come across as inappropriate for your target customers. Creating great packages takes a good deal of research and understanding of what your customers expect.

This is why identity design is so important and why it’s one of our main areas of focus at McQuillen Creative. If your product packaging doesn’t align with your identity, then it’s time to re-think how you’re portraying yourself to the public.

product packaging on fabric background

Your packaging design should match your company’s identity and mission.

The Components of Product Packaging

The main component of designing product packaging is knowing who your customer is and what appeals to them. This takes some legwork as research, surveys, and feedback is really important. It’s also important to know how they’ll buy your product. This means knowing if it will primarily be sold in a boutique, at a big retailer, or online.

You also need to have cohesiveness with what goes on the product packaging. This includes the written copy, images, abstract deisngs, and required marks like barcodes, quality assurance, and association marks.

Consistency is also key when you’re designing your physical package. People who are familiar with your brand in other channels like your website or social media, are on the lookout for your products.

So when they see a familiar style, logo, and design, then they will be drawn to your products.

Creating a Hierarchy of Information

Depending on what your product is, you need to focus your customer in with the most important information. Is your logo well-known? Do you include illustrations that are familiar to people? Do you use a distinctive typeface?

You should also determine where other information like testimonials, descriptions, company blurbs, or mailing information goes. When you grab people with your design, you need to have a natural flow that helps people decide on making a purchase.

The flow of information is called an information architecture, and this is a subtle but important component to consider in your product packaging design.

Why You Should Partner with McQuillen Creative Group

You know what your company needs to grow, and we build the creative assets for you to do so. Whether it’s a new logo design, brochure, catalog, signage, prospectus, annual report, a print, or online ad, or maybe even your product packaging design – we can help.

Every point of interaction you have with your customers, future and current, matters. Professional package design is a great way to stand out from the competition and make your product look like what it really is – great!

Whether it’s a DVD cover, shopping bag, food or drink package, or the instruction manual for your product, we can create attractive packaging for your product that will make your customers take notice, all while taking cost and unnecessary package waste into consideration.

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McQuillen Creative has been in the marketing game for over 25 years and we want to help your business.

Do you need help with your packaging design?  GIVE US A CALL and let’s see how we can create a strategy for your social media presence.

McQuillen Creative Group, Inc | 423 S Main St, Suite 1