The Quill

Are you marketing like a scientist? Here are 4 smart tips

marketing like a scientist

What do we mean by “marketing like a scientist?” It’s not as ridiculous as it sounds, but marketing can be boiled down to a science. It’s why McQuillen Creative Group was created. The owner, Troy McQuillen likes to tinker with ideas in the design, development, and marketing world. And the reason why MCG has been in business for over 25 years is that we continue to experiment and innovate. We bring the quality of a… Read more »

How to use Logos for Social Media: 3 Lessons

logos for social media

Using Logos for Social Media Explained There are 3.6 billion people on social media platforms worldwide. It’s important to stand apart by including your company’s logo when you’re creating branded content for social media. Images can be shared widely across social media platforms or even on Emails. So a branded image is important for letting people know who made it. You should pay attention to how you use logos for social media such as using… Read more »