We just wrapped up the ‘Greetings from Aberdeen’ mural contest that helped our town beat back the pandemic blues and unite in a fun and social activity. We recently started up a social media and online marketing service at McQuillen Creative, and this was a great first test for us. Troy McQuillen had a great idea to bring the town together through a public display of art. He was inspired by the old “Greetings from”… Read more »
Moving to the Hip Hub City
Hub City: In the Beginning… Aberdeen, the Hub City of the Dakotas was the place to locate when Easterners looked to pioneer the West. The railroads were racing one another to blanket uncharted territory with a web of tracks and communities. If you build railroads, people will settle the land. If you establish towns for the trains to stop in, you have a market for passengers and freight. It was a great plan that essentially… Read more »
Subscribe to Aberdeen Magazine! You’ll Love It!
McQuillen Creative Group brings you, Aberdeen Magazine! The only magazine in the area dedicated to all things positive and great about our wonderful city. Each issue features people, places, events, fashion, and food; all from Aberdeen. The magazine is produced totally in-house by MCG staff. We do solicit help from freelancers and eager volunteers. Take a peek at our last issue if you want to get a feel of the quality and content. If you subscribe,… Read more »
Hot Off the Press! The Aberdeen Magazine
Did you know that McQuillen Creative Group creates the Aberdeen Magazine? Did you know there is an Aberdeen Magazine? Managed by Editor, Barb Andrews, and Troy McQuillen, the Aberdeen Magazine is keeping you informed on the Hub City buzz. Our creative team works vigorously to provide you with the best material for your reading pleasure. Each issue of this new bi-monthly magazine includes stories and pictures of things Aberdeen is known for as well as topics… Read more »